Request for expression of interest for the provision of:Security Services, Cleaning Services at the University Of Uyo

University of Uyo

P.M.B 1017, Uyo, Nigeria



Request for expression of interest for the provision of:


(1)     Security Services

(2)     Cleaning Services, At the University Of Uyo



The Management of the University of Uyo, Uyo intends to engage the services of interested, competent, experienced and reliable companies for the provision of Security and Cleaning Services at the University of Uyo.


2.       Method of Application.

Interested Companies with expertise in the provision of such services in a University or similar tertiary institutions are to submit fifteen (15) copies each of (a) their applications and (b) comprehensive company profile paged with table of content to include the following among others, in the under listed order with labeled page separators.

a.       Evidence of Company Incorporation with the Corporate Affairs     Commission (CAC).

b.       Company Tax Clearance Certificate for the last three (3) years (2010-      2012).

c.       VAT Registration Certificate and Evidence of VAT remittance.

d.       List of the Company’s key personnel.

e.       The Company’s audited account for the last three (3) years (2010-  2012).

f.       Evidence of verifiable relevant experience in executing a similar project.

g.       A letter authorizing University of Uyo, Uyo to verify claims with   relevant agencies and bodies.

h.       Evidence of contributions to Industrial Training Funds (ITF) for the         three (3) years (2010-2012).

i.        Evidence of Employee Pension Fund contribution registration and remittance.

j.        Evidence of financial capability.

k.       Original copies of items a,b,c,h and i are to be sighted by Management if shortlisted.

I.       A sworn affidavit in compliance with the provisions of Part IV, section 16 (6) (f) of the Public Procurement Act 2007, disclosing whether or not        any Officer of the relevant committees of the Procurement entity or Bureau is a former or present Director, shareholder or has any pecuniary interest in the bidder and confirm that all information presented in its bid are true and correct in all particulars.




All applications should be submitted in sealed envelope marked “UNIVERSITY SECURITY SERVICES OR CLEANING SERVICES” (as applicable) at the top left hand corner of the envelope addressed and submitted to:


The Registrar

University of Uyo



Akwa Ibom State



Submission closes at 12 noon on Monday, June 03, 2013 and any submissions made thereafter, stands rejected. Only firms whose

Expression of Interest documents fulfill the requirements would be considered for the next stage.



1.       Interested companies must have an Office in Uyo.

2.       Nothing in this advertisement shall be construed to be a commitment on the part of the University of Uyo, Uyo to undertake the project or entitle     any company to make any claim (s) whatsoever in respect of any       expenses incurred in preparing response.

3.       Only those shortlisted will be contacted for further interaction with the    University Management.

4.       Management of the University pledges fair and equal treatment to all       participants, but is not bound to Shortlist any company and reserves the right to annul the selection process at any time without incurring Any          Liabilities.



Mrs. Edak U. Umondak


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