University of Port Harcourt
P.M.B. 5323 Port Harcourt
Pre-Qualification Notice
The University of Port Harcourt invites interested and reputable contractors for a pre-qualification exercise for the following proposed ETF projects:
S/N | Projects | Non-refundable Pre-Qualification fees (N) |
1 | Procurement of various books for the Library | 50,000.00
2 | Supply/Installation of Library Chairs | 30,000.00 |
3 | Supply/Installation of Reading Carrels to the University Library | 30,000.00
4 | Supply/Installation of ICT infrastructure and Library Equipment | 30,000.00
- Procurement of books in the following areas:
- Engineering and Science;
- Education and Management Sciences;
- Health Sciences and Agricultural Sciences,
- Humanities and Social Sciences;
Note: Tender will include Author, ISBN, Year of Publication and specification.
1 Pre-qualification Requirements:
Interested and competent contractors wishing to be pre-qualified must submit the following:
i. Evidence of registration with the Corporate Affairs Commission;
ii. Current Tax Clearance and VAT Certificates;
iii. Verifiable list of jobs successfully handled, stating the value in each case;
iv. Company profile including names and resume of key staff with genuine reachable addresses and phone numbers (enclose photocopies of credentials)
v. Audited Accounts for the past three years
vi. Letter of reference from banker(s);
Evidence of payment of pre-qualification fees
3. Collection of Pre-Qualification Form
The pre-qualification form is to be collected in the office of the Director, Department of Physical Planning & Development, Senate Building, upon payment of the relevant non-refundable fees only, in Bank draft to the Bursary Department.
4. Submission of Documents
Completed forms and documents must be returned in two (2) copies in wax-sealed envelopes, marked: “Pre-qualification for (relevant project)” and hand delivered to:
The Registrar
University of Port Harcourt
P M B 5323
Port Harcourt
Submission of the pre-qualification bids will close at 11.00 a.m., April, 04, 2011. The bids will be opened on the same day at 1 2. 00 noon, in the Conference Room of the University Senate Building, in the presence of all bidders, financing/regulatory bodies, Professional bodies, Non-Governmental Agencies and Staff Unions
Mrs Matilda Nnodim