Community Based ICT Connectivity Projects at USPF

Expression of Interest

Title:  Community Based ICT Connectivity Projects Invitation for proposal  for USPF Funding towards extending access to icts in unnerved and underserved areas of Nigeria


1.       Background. Goals / Objectives

One of the objectives of the telecommunications policy of the Federal Government is “TO ensure that public telecommunications facilities are accessible to All Communities in the country.”

In order to facilitate extension of modern communications facilities to unserved and underserved areas and in institutions such as schools, hospitals etc, the Universal Service Provision Fund (USPF) was established under the Nigerian Communications Act of 2003.

In    carrying    out    its    mandates,    the    USPF    is currently    implementing    some    projects.    These projects    are    conceptualized    and    designed   for implementation  in       various       unserved       and underserved communities  by USPF  (Top-Bottom Projects),    Please refer    to    the    USPF    website (   for   existing    USPF   projects, Although  the current projects being  implemented by USPF are achieving their targeted objectives, the FUND   is   desirous   of   Bottom-Up   Projects expected   to   be   conceptualized,   designed   and implemented   by   various   individuals,   community organizations, NGOs,          private         business entrepreneurs,    etc.    This    is    to    ensure    rapid deployment    of    needed    ICT    services    in    the unserved and underserved areas.

The “Bottom-Up’ Project Initiative is to encourage beneficiaries to conceptualize and initiate ideas for universal   access   projects   rather  than  from   the; USPF,   Under this approach, the USPF aims to provide  support to members  of the  public who, acting on their own initiative, have conceptualized and      designed      ideas      for      information      and Communications Technology (ICT) projects based on their creativity and imagination – as opposed to those designed by the USPF.

Accordingly, the USPF invites proposals from interested parties seeking financial support (grants / subsidies, loans, etc) to enable them implement new or expand on their existing ICT projects to unserved and underserved communities.

2.       Project Design and Specifications

The design and specifications of the proposed project depends entirely on the imagination or preferences of the proponents. However, those Bottom-Up projects offering unique value propositions or innovative features over existing standard-design USPF projects will receive priority consideration.

Thus, the USPF will consider for support any project that will deliver new connectivity for communities that lack ICT connectivity and/or added services.    The    proposed    Project should be able to deliver clear and felt benefits to the community It proposes to serve. In addition to providing   connectivity   to   communities, projects aimed at using ICTs for poverty creation,      employment      generation, improving understanding   between   different   ethnic/religious groups,      empowering      citizens     or improving governance     will     be     given   priority.  As the assistance   from   USPF   is   available   only for a limited period of time. Sustainability and affordability of the project will be a key element on which evaluation will be made

3. Instruction to Proponents (Bidders)

In addition to any other information that may assist USPF to take  appropriate decisions on the proposals, the bidders should address the following key elements in the proposal:

  • Organization Profile of the bidders with proof of its registration as a legal entity.
  • Information about IGT projects can-led out in the immediately preceding three years. If any.
  • Technical and administrative manpower available to implement the project and their relevant experiences with respect to ICT service delivery.
  • The project proposal detailing feasibility Study/ Financial proposal and project budget. The Project budget should items ICT materials and facilities required specifying the individual cost items and the proportion of the cost expected to be financed by USPF.
  • The proposal should specifically address the sustainability and affordability strategy of the intending project
  • Technical details of the proposed projects which should contain the following information:
  • The nature of the Products and Services to be delivered
  • The Need and targeted beneficiaries
  • Goals and Objectives
  • Scope of Work- the coverage areas
  • Methodology – deployment strategy
  • Technology approach Technical specifications and schematic diagrams of the project details
  • Time frame detailing the actions and the time scales. This should address how the project will be implemented form the date of approval till it reaches level of    sustainability    serving   the targeted beneficiaries.

4.       Deadline for submission of proposals

Interested bidders wishing to respond to this invitation for proposals should submit five (5) bound hard copies of the Technical and business Proposals plus electronic copy either by hand or through registered courier services, on or before 4:00p.m June 10th, 2010 to the following address;

The Director/Secretary

Universal Service Provision Fund

USP secretariat

Nigerian Communications Commission Building 423 Aguiyi Ironsi Street, Maitama Abuja

The Technical and Financial proposal be in separate envelop and should be marked “Ref No. USPF/Bottom-up Project 2010/01

For further clarification on the REF, please send your enquiries to Mr. O.N. Ugama on 09467452.



Director/Secretary, Universal Service Provision Fund

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