Niger State Government /UNDP 7th Country Programme
1. The Niger State Government is desirous of implementing the NGSG/UNDP 7th Country Programme (2011) under the Capacity for Governance, Capacity for Economic Governance and Environment and Risk Reduction programmes.
2. In view of the above, the State is inviting competent and reputable companies/ members of the Academia, NGOs, CBOs, and Consultants to submit proposals for each of the activities listed below:
LOT 1. Finalize the Niger State mid-term development plan 2011 -2013
LOT 2. Compile and Produce core indicators for monitoring Plans and MDG Progress at local and State level
LOT B1. Facilitate High level dialogue for LGA Chairmen, Advisers and General Managers, BPP and CSOs on Public Procurement Law and Fiscal Policy Law and Management Toolkit
LOT B2. Assess existing mechanism for monitoring public procurement and design standard monitoring Framework
LOT C1: Design, procure and install Solar Electricity facility in DARE con of Niger State
3. Seeking Proposals in two separate envelops (Technical and Financial) marked 2011 NGSG/UNDP 7th Country Programme should be submitted not later than 29th July, 2011, complying strictly with UNDP’s Process and Programme implementation Guidelines which can be obtained from the UNDP Nigeria website
4. The Terms of Reference (TOR) for each activity can be obtained from M&E Unit/Programme Committee Secretariat (see address below).
5. All submissions should be made to the State Outcome Committee Secretariat, No. 6, Paiko Road, Adj. FRSC office. Minna.
The Chairperson
State Outcome Committee
Ministry of Budget and Economic Planning
State Secretariat, Minna