Jigawa State of Nigeria
Ministry of Information, Youths, Sports and Culture.
Invitation for Prequalification of Building Contractors
The Government of Jigawa State wishes to construct an edifice to house the State Television within the premises of Jigawa Broadcasting Corporation in Dutse, the state capital and upgrade two stadia at Dutse and Kazaure.
To this end, interested Building and Engineering Contractors are invited to make submissions for prequalification.
The objective of the prequalification is to assess the expertise and technical capacity of the contractors with a view to short listing the best for invitation to tender.
Scope of Work:
1 State Television:- Building of Jigawa Broadcasting Corporation complex at Dutse, Jigawa State.
2. Dutse Stadium upgrade:- Fence work, main stand, popular stand, open stand, and court, external lighting and score board.
3. Kazaure Stadium upgrade:- Fence work, main stand, popular stand, open stand, Pitch and court, external lighting and score board.
Prequalification Requirements
Interested companies should submit the following, arranged in the listed order 1. Company registration with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC)
2. Tax clearance certificate for the last 3 years
3. Registration with the Jigawa State Works Registration/Tenders Board
4. Company audited account for the last three years
5. List of plants and equipment and their current locations
6. List of technical personnel stating their qualifications
7. List of projects of similar nature and scope handled within the last 5 years, giving names an addresses of the clients and consultants
8. List of projects currently being handled, giving the stages they are, and estimated time of completion
9. Certified true copy of memorandum and articles of association
10. Evidence of financial capability and banking support
11. Annual turn over.
12. VAT Registration and evidence of past remittance
13. A sworn affidavit certified as follows:-
a. That the documents submitted are genuine and correct
b. That none of the Directors/Partners of the company has been convicted by any court of law.
C. That the Firm/Company is not bankrupt d. That none of the officers of the procuring entity is former or present director of the company.
Submission Guideline:
All documents should be bound together, sealed in an envelope and clearly marked
“Prequalification for Jigawa Broadcasting Corporation
Building Complex and Upgrade of Dutse and Kazaure Stadia” addressed to:
Director Planning, Research and Statistics
Ministry of Information, Youths, Sports and Culture
3rd Floor, New Secretariat,
Dutse, Jigawa State.
To reach there on or before 12noon of Monday 21st May, 2012
Exception Notice
1. The client or its consultants are not bound to accept any of the submissions, or bear the cost of any submissions.
2. This notice is only for prequalification and not to tender