Jigawa State College of Agriculture
P.M.B. 013, Hadej1a Jigawa State
Invitation for Pre-Qualification to Tender Under ETF 2009/2010 Merged Intervention Project
A. Introduction
The College wishes to invite reputable but, interested contractors to apply for pre-qualification to tender for the following projects to be financed through the normal intervention for the 2009/2010
B. Description of Works:
The works include:
i. Procurement of practical materials for ND Programme in Agricultural Technology ETF Project No. JSCOA/Hadejia/09-10/01
ii. Procurement of practical materials for ND Programme in Animal Health and Production ETF Project No, JSCOA/Hadejia/09-10/02
iii. Procurement of practical materials for ND Programme in Fisheries Technology ETF Project No. JSCOA/Hadejia/09-10/03
iv. Procurement of practical material for ND Programme in Forestry Technology ETF Project No. JSCOA/Hadejia/09-10/04
v Procurement of practical materials; for foundation courses on General Studies ETF Project No. JSCOA/Hadejia/09- 10/05
vi. Procurement of practical materials for metal and wood work workshop ETF Project No. JSCOA/Hadejia/09-10/06
C. Qualification Criteria
Applicant must satisfy the following criteria to pre-qualify to tender
i) Evidence of certificate of incorporation /business name registration
ii) Three (3) years TAX clearance certificate (most recent)
iii) Evidence of financial capability backed by a reputable bank
iv) Variable evidence on similar job(s) done in the last three years.
v) Company profile with names of technical and administrative staff with their qualifications
D. Submission of Documents
Pre-Qualification documents should be forwarded to the under signed, in sealed envelope marked “PRE QUALIFICATION TO TENDER UNDER 2009/2010 (MERGED) FTF INTERVENTION PROJECTS”.
It ought to reach the College on or before 18th July 2011, and that documents will be opened on Tuesday 19th July 2011, by 11:00am after which successful bidder(s) will be communicate accordingly.
Please Note That:
i) The College is neither committed not obliged to include any nor award contract to any contractor irrespective of pre-qualification documents submitted.
ii) The College reserves the right to reject any or all pre-qualification documents submitted.
iii) The College does not enter in to correspondence with any contractor on why he was pre-qualified
iv) This advertisement to pre-qualification exercise should not be misconstrued as commitment on the part of the College nor entitled any contractor to make any claim what so ever and seek indemnity from the College.
v) And therefore full tendering procedures will be applied to tenders that are found qualified capable to execute the projects.
Auwalu U/Madori
Ag. Registrar