National Population Commission
The National Population Commission (NPopC) and the World Bank: Statistics for Results Facility- Catalytic Fund (SRF-CF)
Consultancy on Software Development and Training on Data Entry (Direct Data Capture)
Request for Expressions of Interest
The Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) has received a Grant from the World Bank and intends to apply part of the proceeds of this grant to payments for the services in Data Entry Training. The National Population Commission now invites expression of interest from highly qualified consultants to develop a user friendly software package for the data entry, verification and quick summary report find train Registrars in the use of the package for the purpose of registering vital events (births, deaths, stillbirths, marriages, divorces).
The objective of this assignment is to (i) Fast-track data capture on birth registration, (ii) Make data available in a timely manner, user friendly and easy to manage (iii) Facilitate timely publication and dissemination of data on child birth, death etc and (iv) Create and sustain a national data base of registered events.
Scope of Work:
The consultant to be engaged for this assignment is expected to develop a user friendly software package for the data entry, verification and quick summary report and train Registrars in the use of the package for the purpose of registering vital events (births, deaths, stillbirths, marriages, divorces). In specific terms the consultant should:-
- Develop a user friendly software package for the data entry, verification and quick summary report, (using the registration forms in use) for the entire VR programme nationwide (15,000 centres)
- The NPopC staff should have the privilege to amend the Software package after the training.
- The software package to incorporate a data entry, verification., utility and report generation (including; Tables, Chart etc), should be used on Android phones, ipad, etc.
- Provide computer specifications for the procurement of hardware that includes backup media and licensed operating systems, Antivirus and Norton system utilities.
- Installation of the hardware and software into the computers in each of the 144 centres (phase 1)
- Develop a training module and Conduct a training in the use of the hardware and software package
- Develop an operation’s manual and Conduct training on the use of the operation’s manual and backup procedure.
- Provide initial report on programme implementation after 3 months from the date of the commencement of operation at the various registration centres
- Run the software for 18 months to ascertain efficiency
- Provide quarterly programme review reports
- Write a report on the entire operations of the programme at the end of the 1 year period of the consultancy services
The Consultant will be required to provide the following outputs:
- Develop a Customized software package to capture vital events and install the same in all system including Android phones, ipad, etc. for the pilot exercise.
- The Specifications of Hardware and other software to be used
- A training Module
- An Operational Manual
- A Training schedule
- Set of Training materials
- A Training report
- Quarterly report and Final report on programme operations
Qualification and Experience:
The Consultant required for this assignment shall be a firm/consortium specialized in statistics/Direct Data Capture in developing countries. The consultant should demonstrate previous successful experiences in ICT/ statistics operations and implementations over a period of 10 yrs.
The firm shall have a broad experience in developing and managing statistical data collections (censuses, surveys) and administrative databases (e.g. civil registration systems), education or health information systems); It shall have a minimum of 10 years experience in coordinating and delivering statistical training and data management.
The consultant shall demonstrate the ability to work effectively with people from different cultural backgrounds, including experience in mentoring and staff development.
Submission of Expressions of Interest (EOIs
Prospective consultants should submit an Expression of interest detailing the following information as basis for pre-qualification:
- Profile of firm/consortium including ownership structure and key permanent staff
- Details of direct experience with organizations/governments on data entry/ vital registration.
- Track record of successful ICT/Statistics assignments particularly on direct data capture;
- Relevant experience in the installation of equipment and provision of training on data entry (including technical competence):
- Copies of unabridged financial reports for the last 3yrs
- Experience working in Nigeria and/or sub-Saharan Africa;
The Consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers, January 1997 (Revised September 1997, January 1999, May 2002, May 2004, October 2006 and May 2010)
Expressions of Interest must be submitted in four (5) copies in a sealed envelope clearly marked “Expressions of Interest for Development of Software and Training on Data Entry for NPoPC”. ACD – Rom version should also be included
The expressions of Interest should be addressed and delivered on before 15th 2012 by 4:00pm at the addressed below:
The Coordinator
National Population Commission
No, 2031 Wuse 7 Olusegun Obasanjo
Interested applicants may obtain further information at the address above from 8.00 am to 4.00 pm, Monday through Friday (except public holidays)
Only short-listed Consultants will be contacted.
the date referred to above is for which month?