West African Power Pool
Internal Audit Services for the WAPP Secretariat
Expression of Interest
The West African Power Pool (WAPP) is a regional institution established through various decision of the Heads of State and Government of ECOWAS Member Countries with the mandate to coordinate the implementation of electric power infrastructural development in the sub-region in order to ensure accessibility of electricity, pooling and utilization of existing and potential energy sources of all member states of the ECOWAS, and facilitate the creation of a regional electricity market in West Africa. The Membership of WAPP consists of electricity utilities/companies within the sub-region and other organisations with an interest in the sub-regions power sector.
The governance structure of WAPP consist of:
(i) General Assembly, which is the highest decision making organ of the institution
(ii) Executive Board, appointed by the General Assembly has decision making authority to develop and implement initiatives to achieve the mission of WAPP
(iii) Organisational Committees, which support the Executive Board and consist of experts from WAPP Members, and
(iv) WAPP Secretariat, responsible for the day to day management and coordination of the affairs of the institution.
The Secretariat is headed by a Secretary General who is supported by three Departments. There is an Internal Audit unit comprising of one staff that reports to the WAPP Finance Committee. In order to make the Internal Audit unit more effective, WAPP Secretariat intends to hire the services of an external audit firm that will second an experienced professional for a period of one year, renewable once, to help build up the Internal Audit unit and put in place proper systems and procedures. The scope of services shall be as follows:
1. Prepare a strategic audit plan covering a three year period that will identify all the auditable areas to be covered by the Internal Audit Unit during the subsequent three years;
2. Prepare and conduct risk-based audit plans/programmes in accordance with WAPP’s Regulations/programmes, develop and discuss findings, draft audit reports of assignments for approval, come to agreement on recommendations and time lines for corrective actions with responsible officers of departments audited and monitor the implementation status of agreed recommendations;
3. Document, evaluate and test systems and controls to determine their adequacy and effectiveness to ensure (i) compliance with policies and procedures, (ii) accomplishment of management’s objectives, (iii) reliability and integrity of information, (iv) economic use of resources, and (v) safeguarding of assets, and provide appropriate advice for improvement;
4. Take initiative in identifying appropriate audit tools, best practices and identify/perform tasks aimed at ensuring that audit assignments are conducted in accordance with International Auditing Standards;
5. Develop a training plan for the WAPP internal audit unit and follow up its implementation to ensure that the unit functions properly after the expiry of the assignment;
6. Continuous review of all documents and manuals and recommending amendments to reflect current Resolutions and Decisions and bench mark against similar institutions
7. Oversee the deployment of WAPP Risk Management Systems
8. Develop terms of reference of a WAPP Audit Committee (Organizational Committee).
The West African Power Pool (WAPP) now invites eligible registered audit firms within the ECOWAS region to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested audit firms must provide information and documentations indicating that they are qualified to perform the services including experience in similar assignments. The Consultant shall also provide adequate information on their organisational and administrative structure, areas of their core business, skills and experiences of personnel to be directly involved with the assignment or act as support in carrying out assignment. The firm identified with the following at a minimum:
(a) An audit firm registered in an ECOWAS member country with a valid operating license;
(b) Identified expert must be a qualified accountant (ACCA, CPA or equivalent) and must have acquired at least seven years of post qualification experience in auditing in an established audit firm;
(c) Must be familiar with a regional/international environment and must have adequate experience in preparing/reviewing strategic/audit plans and follow up their implementation.
The audit firm will be selected in accordance with the procedures for Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) method set out in the WAPP Procurement Procedure Manual and WAPP Tender Code which is available at the ecowapp.org web site of WAPP Secretariat.
The estimated duration of the assignment is one year, renewable once.
Interested audit firms may obtain further information at the addresses below:
Address (1)
Secretary General
West African Power Pool (WAPP)
Zone des Ambassade PK.6
06 BP 2907, Cotonou, Republic of Benin
Tel/Fax: 22921377144 or +22921339976, +22921339980
E-mail: babajarjusey@ecowapp.org
Expressions of interest must be delivered to the address above not later than 20th December, 2012. Electronic delivery at the above address is accepted.