Federal Republic of Nigeria
Ondo State Government and Capacity Building Project II
Consultancy Services in Public Financial Management
Request for Expression of Interest
Credit No: IDA 4667.0 NG
Project ID: P097026
Contract Number: ODSGCBP II/CS/QCBS/02/10
Date of Issuance: 9th November, 2010
Expression of Interest
1. The Federal Government of Nigeria has received credit from the International Development Association (IDA) towards the cost of implementing State Governance and Capacity Building Project (SGCBP II).Ondo State is a beneficiary of the credit and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consultancy services in Public Financial Management under two sub components of the Project: (I) Budget Preparation and Execution (2) Accounting, Expenditure Control and Financial Reporting.
2. The scope of the service will among others include the following.
Budget Reparation and Execution
- A thorough assessment of the existing budget traditions and machinery in the State Civil Service including current practices, strengths and weaknesses and recommendations for improvement as well as assessment of skills gaps in budgeting, development of sector strategies and economic management generally in key MDAs.
- Develop Medium Term Fiscal Strategy Model and train relevant staff of selected MDAs to develop Multi Year Budget Framework and Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MYBF/MTEF). Develop Medium Term Sector Strategy for 8 -10 Pilot Ministries
- Determine immediate training needs in relevant ministries needed to implement the project as well as long term needs to sustain the project. Recommend training institutions to deliver training. Establish frameworks and basic infrastructure for the introduction of MTSS and MYBF/MTEF in the state FY12 budget.
- Assist with the development of a project and program investment evaluation and prioritization process which is based on and includes: (i) predefined project and program objectives, and the State Development Plan (SDP) and Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), (ii) a risk assessment process to evaluate risks associated with project and program implementation, and (iii) A clear scoring system for ranking such programs and projects, and (iv) performance process which is based on and includes predefined project and program results-based criteria that based on and includes predefined project and program results-based criteria that are consistent with sector objectives, and the SDP and MDGs;
Accounting, Expenditure Control and Financial Reporting
- Conduct an extensive review of current ^ vaunting practices, highlighting in particular, their strength and weakness.
- Investigate the nature of existing chart of accounts and confirm whether this conforms to Federation Account Allocation Committee (FAAC) requirements.
- Develop a Standard Charts of Accounts and other information requirements in line with FAAC proposals and guidelines and should meet international standards and Government Financial statistics (GFS/IPSAS).
- Develop a revised and more effective business process for revenue, expenditure, assets and liabilities with adequate internal controls. Where the computer-based information systems will take over systems, recommend changes and conduct staff training in all revised processes and procedures. This training may need to be provided in addition to those conducted by the Implementing contractor.
- Act as facilitators in conducting a series of seminars to enlighten the Chief Executives, Legislators and other stakeholders on various PFM reforms.
- Assist the Government in prioritizing the implementation of appropriate government accounting standards that are in full accordance with International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS)
- Act as facilitator in conducting basic Public Sector Accounting Training for staff of the Office of the State Accountant General (OSAG)
3. The consultancy services will be carried out in twenty four (24) months within the period of thirty (30) calendar months and would require the inputs of budget, economists, accounting finance and ICT professionals.
Minimum Qualification
A reputable Chartered Accounting firm with minimum of ten years experience in Public Sector Accounting. Budgeting and financial Management with at least key staff possessing the following minimum qualifications.
i. Team Leader must be Chattered Accountant with a internationally recognized professional qualifications, plus a minimum of first degree; minimum of 12 years post-qualification experience and knowledge of international public sector accounting standards (IPSAS);
ii. Public Sector Budgeting and financial management expert with a minimum of 12 years experience minimum of first degree in economics/public finance/business administration and related fields excellent knowledge and experience in implementation of Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) and Medium Term Sector Strategies (MTSS);
iii. Specialist in IT/ICT and financial management information systems with minimum of 8 years experience
- Vastknowledge of the Nigeria public sector,
- Demonstrable experience and expertise in public sector budgeting, accounting, and financial management reforms in Nigeria or elsewhere;
- Strong ICT skills and infrastructure
5. The Ondo State Governance and Capacity Building Project II now requires the services of eligible Consultancy Firms to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested consulting firms must have considerable experience in Public Sector Accounting, Budgeting and Financial Management,
Interested consulting firms are hereby requested to submit a statement of capability indicating relevant experience on similar assignments in Nigeria or elsewhere. This should include, but not limited to, provision of company brochures, description of similar assignments carried out in the last five years, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among key staff, etc
6. The consulting firm will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the world Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by world Bank Borrowers (May 2004 edition, Revised October 1st 2006 and May 1st 2010).
Interested consulting firms may obtain further information at the address below between 9.00am to 4.00pm (Local Time), Mondays – Fridays
Your expressions of interest must be delivered in a scaled envelope to the address below on or before 7th December, 2010 at 4.00pm.
Project Coordinator
Ondo State Governance and capacity Building Project II
State Project Coordinating Unit (SPCU),
Ala Quarters
Akure, Ondo State
Tel: 2348033578084, 2348033894440
Email: ondosgcb@yahoo.com