Nationa1 Commission for Mass Literacy Adult and Non-Formal Education
Plot 1641, Bade Close, Off Ubiaja Crescent, P.M.B 295, Garki, Abuja.
Re-Invitation to Bid: Addendum
Further to our “Invitation to Bid” in the Leadership Newspaper, Monday, August 27th, 2012, Nigerian Tribune ,Wednesday 29th August 2012 and The Federal Tenders Journal VOL8.NO 18- Monday Sept 3rd -Sunday Sept, 16th 2012 where under item 3, we published ‘Requirements for bidding’ a-j.
2. The Commission wishes to inform all interested bidders the following statutory requirements in addition to the above referred to a-j requirements:
k. Evidence of compliance with section 6 (1) – (3) of the Industrial Training Fund (ITF) Amended Act No, 19 of 2011.
1. Copy of Current Certificate of Compliance issued by the National Pension Commission.
3. Please ensure compliance. Any inconveniences caused are regretted.