National and International Competitive Bidding Invitation for Pre-Qualification of Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) for the Design & Construction of Some Marine Vessels at Nigerian Ports Authority

Nigerian Ports Authority Corrigendum to Public Notice No.: 3812

 Federal Government

National and International Competitive Bidding Invitation for Pre-Qualification of Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) for the Design & Construction of Some Marine Vessels


This advert is a Corrigendum to the Pre-Qualification Requirements in the earlier advert placed in “The Guardian, Daily Trust Newspapers of Monday. August 20th 2012 and Federal Tenders Journal of Monday, 20th – Sunday, September, 2nd  2012.


In this regard, the following Pre-Qualification Requirements Cancels and Replaces the one in the Advert mentioned above:

  • Interested National/Local companies must submit the following documents:


a)       Evidence of company registration with Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC), and Articles of Association.

b)      Evidence of VAT Registration/ Remittance Certificate. (2009, 2010 & 2011)

c)       Evidence of Tax payment for the past three (3) years (2009, 2010 & 2011)

d)      Evidence of compliance with Pension Reform Act 2004.

e)       Evidence of compliance (registration and remittance) with the provision of the Industrial Training Fund (ITF).


  • While Interested International/Foreign companies must submit the following documents:


a)       Evidence of Company registration in the country of origin/home country

b)      Evidence of Tax Payment in the Country of origin/home country


  • Then, both National/Local and International/Foreign companies must in addition submit the following:


1.       Particulars of Original Equipment Manufacturing (OEM) company including Statutory Registration Certificates and company profiles indicating names,  qualification and experience of key personnel, physical address, telephone number, fax and e-mail.

2.       Company’s financial details & audited accounts for the last three years (2009-2011)

3.       Quality certificates ISO 9001 or approved equivalent.

4.       Environment Management System ISO 14001:2004 or  approved equivalent

5.       List of at least 5 (five) similar constructions with Yard numbers, Build numbers, built in the last (10) ten years in addition with  names of purchasers, sites/ports of operation in at least three (3) different district sites/ports. Please enclose letter of awards and completion certificates.


Note: All other contents in the earlier publications remain the same.




Nigerian Ports Authority

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