National Centre for Energy Efficiency and Conservation (NCEEC)
The Energy Commission of Nigeria
Faculty of Engineering, University of Lagos, Akoka, Yaba
Title: Invitation for Pre-Qualification for 2012 Capital Projects
The National Centre for Energy Efficiency and Conservation (NCEEC). Faculty of Engineering, University of Lagos, Akoka. Yaba, Lagos is uniting interested, qualified, reputable and competent companies for the pre-qualification for the under listed 2012 capital projects.
Scope of Work:
Lot1: Procurement of Energy Efficiency and Conservation Books, Journals and Specialized Software.
Lot 2: Procurement of Energy Efficiency workshop and Laboratory Equipment
Pre-Qualification Requirements
Prospective suppliers shall be required to submit copies of the following pre-qualification requirement in a sealed envelope
- Application to pre-qualify
- Certificate of incorporation with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC), and evidence of annual returns filling at CAC
- Proof of registration with National Pension Commission and evidence of remittances of employees’ pension contributions/deductions
- Evidence of financial capabilities, including 3 years audited financial statements and bank statements for the last six months
- Tax Clearance Certificate for the last three years i.e. 2009, 2010, 2011 (to expire December 2012)
- VAT registration with TIN number and proof of past remittances
- Detailed company profile, including partnerships and curriculum vitae with contact addresses and phone numbers of key personnel in the company.
- A comprehensive list of similar job(s) previously executed successfully or currently being executed with contact addresses/phone numbers of the clients for confirmation and with evidences including Letter of Award, Certificate of Completion, and Evidence of Payment.
- A sworn affidavit that none of the Directors of the company had been convicted in any country for any criminal offence relating to fraud or financial impropriety or criminal misrepresentation or falsification of facts relating to any matter.
- A sworn affidavit indicating that any officer of the NCEEC, UNILAG is not a former Director, shareholder or have any pecuniary interest in their company
- A sworn affidavit indicating that all documents submitted are genuine and verifiable
Submission of Documents
Pre-qualification documents are to be neatly bound in the order listed above and sealed in an envelope marked “Pre-Qualification for ………… (Quoting the appropriate project name and lot number)” boldly written on the top right hand corner of the envelope, the envelope should be addressed to:
The Director,
National Centre for Energy Efficiency and Conservation,
Faculty of Engineering,
University of Lagos,
Akoka, Lagos.
And marked on the reverse side (other side) with the supplier’s organization name and contact phone number. Submission on or before 23rd July 2012.
Additional Information
a. Invitation to pre-qualify shall not be construed as a commitment on the part of the Centre to award any form of contract to any company and shall not entitle any company to make claim or seek indemnity from the Centre for having responded to our advertisement, only qualified companies shall be invited to pick tender documents.
b. Pre-qualification process may also involve verification of information supplied by companies in their applications. Companies may also be requested to provide additional information or give further clarifications on their submissions to the Centre. Misrepresentation of facts, gross misstatement or false declarations if discovered, may form the basis for disqualification.
Director, NCEEC